JPM’s Top Commercial Bankruptcy Lawyer Dead in a Minivan Hit & Run
China currency liberalization to be a 'seismic event': Australia
SYDNEY Thu Mar 27, 2014
(Reuters) - China realizing its ambitions to internationalize the yuan is likely to be a "seismic event" for global markets, leading to large capital flows and perhaps a new reserve currency, a top Australian central banker said on Wednesday.
(Reuters) - China realizing its ambitions to internationalize the yuan is likely to be a "seismic event" for global markets, leading to large capital flows and perhaps a new reserve currency, a top Australian central banker said on Wednesday.
Bundesbank, PBOC in Pact to Turn Frankfurt Into Renminbi Hub (1)
By Angela Cullen and Weixin Zha March 28, 2014
Germany’s Bundesbank and the Peopleâs Bank of China agreed to cooperate in the clearing and settling of payments in renminbi, paving the way for Frankfurt to corner a share of the offshore market.
Germany’s Bundesbank and the Peopleâs Bank of China agreed to cooperate in the clearing and settling of payments in renminbi, paving the way for Frankfurt to corner a share of the offshore market.
China EximBank lends $1.2 billion to German firms for Chinese ships: Xinhua
BEIJING Sat Mar 29, 2014 4:00am GMT
(Reuters) - Export-Import Bank of China (EximBank) will lend $1.2 billion to German shipping firms Peter Dohle Shiffahrts-KG and Bernhard Schulte for the purchase of Chinese ships, the official Xinhua news agency reported.
(Reuters) - Export-Import Bank of China (EximBank) will lend $1.2 billion to German shipping firms Peter Dohle Shiffahrts-KG and Bernhard Schulte for the purchase of Chinese ships, the official Xinhua news agency reported.
Lufthansa Pilot Strike to Cancel Hundreds of Flights April 2 to 4
The strike, which will run from midnight on April 2 until 11:59 p.m. (2159 GMT) on April 4, will likely result in the cancellation of hundreds of flights, and will be the third strike to hit Frankfurt, Europe’s third largest hub and Lufthansa’s home base, within six weeks.
Revealing Tunisia's corruption under Ben Ali
New World Bank report shows how Tunisia's ousted Ben Ali regime tailored laws to enrich cronies at the public's expense.
EU to review energy policy: Merkel 2014-03-28 06:07:48
BERLIN, March 27 (Xinhua) -- German Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Thursday that the European Union would review its energy policy and reduce its reliance on Russian oil and gas.
BERLIN, March 27 (Xinhua) -- German Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Thursday that the European Union would review its energy policy and reduce its reliance on Russian oil and gas.
Merkel highlights Russia sanctions during visit by Canada's Harper
German Chancellor Angela Merkel has expressed hope alongside her Canadian counterpart Stephen Harper that further sanctions against Russia won't be necessary. She also praised a recent free trade deal with Canada.
Trade, Crimea to set tone as China's Xi heads to Germany
Berlin (AFP) - Chinese President Xi Jinping begins a landmark visit to fellow export powerhouse Germany Friday, the third leg of his European tour, expected to cement flourishing trade ties and focus on the Crimea crisis.;_ylt=A0LEVzzuIDVTGQcAE9RXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTB0NDAwYXNwBHNlYwNzYwRjb2xvA2JmMQR2dGlkA1NNRTQwMV8x
Iceland Dismantles the Corrupt - Then Arrests Ten Rothschild Bankers
Submitted by ronb28135 on Fri, 03/28/2014
The best part, is that they have arrested ALL Rothschild/Rockefeller banking puppets, responsible for the Country’s economic Chaos and meltdown. Last week 9 people were arrested in London and Reykjavik for their possible responsibility for Iceland’s financial collapse in 2008, a deep crisis which developed into an unprecedented public reaction that is changing the country’s direction..."
The best part, is that they have arrested ALL Rothschild/Rockefeller banking puppets, responsible for the Country’s economic Chaos and meltdown. Last week 9 people were arrested in London and Reykjavik for their possible responsibility for Iceland’s financial collapse in 2008, a deep crisis which developed into an unprecedented public reaction that is changing the country’s direction..."
Money from the gods: Iceland's auroracoin & a new kind of independence
The "Massive Gift" That Keeps On Giving: How QE Boosted Inequality To Levels Surpassing The Great Depression
march 28 14
A week ago, the official truth about QE, once upon a time mischaracterized as being a means to boost US employment (which is misreported in such an optimistically biased way that even the Fed now admits is ridiculous, and had to scrap its forward guidance as a result) and grow the economy, emerged when the Fed's Fisher admitted that "QE was a massive gift intended to boost wealth."
A week ago, the official truth about QE, once upon a time mischaracterized as being a means to boost US employment (which is misreported in such an optimistically biased way that even the Fed now admits is ridiculous, and had to scrap its forward guidance as a result) and grow the economy, emerged when the Fed's Fisher admitted that "QE was a massive gift intended to boost wealth."
Thousands march against Haiti's Martelly in Port-au-Prince (0:55)
March 29 - Demonstrators call for the resignation of President Michel Martelly in Haiti's capital.